Coronavirus – Ten Rules of Conduct to follow – Italian Ministry of Health Brochure
Answers to frequent questions are provided below:
How can I protect myself as an exhibitor or visitor?
The Ministry of Health, in agreement with the Veneto Region, recommends:
- Keep your hands away from your face and avoid contact with the skin
- Do not touch your mouth, eyes or nose with unwashed hands
- For time being, do not embrace and shake hands as a greeting
- Wash your hands regularly
- When you return home
- Before and during food preparation
- Before meals
- After using the bathroom
- After blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing
- Before and after contact with persons who are ill
- After contact with animals
- Wash your hands thoroughly
- Place your hands under running water
- Wash your hands thoroughly from all sides
- Wash them for at least 20-30 seconds
- Rinse your hands under running water
- Dry your hands with a clean towel
- Cough and sneeze properly
- Keep a safe distance and move away from others when you cough and sneeze
- Use a tissue or place your elbow over your mouth and nose
- Keep a safe distance if you are ill
- Treat the disease at home
- Avoid all close physical contact while you are contagious
- Stay in a separate room and, if possible, use a separate bathroom
- Do not share dishes or towels with others
- Protect any wounds
- Any wounds with a sticking plaster or bandage
How can I recognise the symptoms of this disease?
Veronafiere recommends taking special precautions if you have spent time in an at-risk region in the past two weeks or have had contact with a person affected by 2019-nCoV.
Take additional care if symptoms appear such as: high temperature and respiratory tract problems. In this case it is advisable to contact your doctor.
We also recommend that you give advance notice of your visit to your doctor’s surgery/hospital and mention that you have been in an affected region or in contact with a sick person and that you have similar symptoms (e.g. high temperature).
What can I do if I find myself close to someone who is ill or in poor health?
Veronafiere recommends calling the Ministry of Health’s emergency toll-free number 1500 to notify anyone suffering from acute respiratory difficulties, providing the operator with useful information if possible. For example, by mentioning whether the person has spent time in an at-risk region in the past two weeks or has been in contact with a confirmed case of 2019-nCoV.
Ask the person in question to sit down and avoid direct physical contact. Try to keep at a safe distance of 1 metre. Wait for the emergency services to arrive and take in hand any additional assistance services.
Other useful information
Do we have to wear a mask?
- It is advisable to wear an individual mask if there are obvious symptoms such as coughing and high temperature
- It is also advisable if you are assisting a patient or if you are a healthcare professional
- For the population at large, when no obvious symptoms are evident, using masks is not necessary