Veronafiere: upgrading of the exhibition area begins with the new entrance specifically for logistics

Verona, 3rd April 2019 – Three more lanes, automated barriers with license plate recognition, futuristic wooden roofing and general traffic improvements. Veronafiere presents the new look for its “E” Gate – the entrance on Viale dell’Industria specifically reserved for logistics.

An investment of 2.2 million euros for the project designed to improve reception and accessibility for exhibitors and workers involved in set-up and dismantling stages during events.

This is the first step,” said Maurizio Danese, President of Veronafiere, “in a broader infrastructure upgrading project for our Exhibition Centre, as approved by shareholders in the update of the business plan through to 2022. Investments coming to almost 100 million euros seek to ensure that the image and functionality of Veronafiere’s infrastructures are in line with the needs of the market, thereby laying the foundations for strategic development looking ahead over the next 20 years.